25 lutego 2020
Webinar series: Engaging with your community through events and training
CORBEL and EOSC-Life are running a webinar series on communication and event organisation. In this series we will discuss about event management, course design and delivery, and effective scientific communication. You do not need to watch all of the webinars. You can dip in and out and watch only the webinars you are interested in. You can watch them live or catch up on the recordings. If you attend the last webinar of the series, we recommend that you have attended or watched the three previous webinars. You will need to register for each of the live webinars that you wish to join by using the registration links provided below. Contact: Marta Lloret Llinares, marta.lloret@ebi.ac.uk
21 lutego 2020
V. Kongres Wyzwań Zdrowotnych - wydarzenie przeniesione
W dniach 5-6 marca 2020 r. w Międzynarodowym Centrum Kongresowym w Katowicach po raz piąty odbędzie się Health Challenges Congress – HCC, którego partnerem instytucjonalnym jest Agencja Badań Medycznych.