Lower Silesian Oncology Center in Wroclaw

The assets of Lower Silesian Oncology Center in Wroclaw (LSOC) include wards and departments that work together to provide patients with interdisciplinary treatment and comprehensive oncology care. With the implementation of the OncoCTSC, the quality and variety of the medical services offered will improve, and a more comprehensive approach to healthcare will ensure faster and more effective treatment. The improved infrastructure will make it possible to implement new projects with better capabilities for parallel execution, while putting in place new standards (SOPs, quality control) will contribute to higher quality of results.

Principal advantages:

  • LSOC is currently the leading cancer treatment facility in Lower Silesia.
  • The Centre is involved in 20 commercial clinical trials, mainly phase 2, 3 and 4.
  • Nine dedicated Research Centres conducting clinical trials, with competence in different anatomical sites.
  • Systematised, ISO-certified clinical research workflows ensuring high quality of healthcare service.

Website of the Clinical Trials Support Centre

Location: Lower Silesian Oncology Center, pl. Ludwika Hirszfelda 12, 53-413 Wroclaw


e-mail: onkocwbk@dcopih.pl

tel.:  (+48) 71 36 89 495


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