Our missionThrough research to health

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Through the channels of communication indicated below, reports are accepted at the Medical Research Agency (hereinafter: the Agency) of reasonable suspicion and actual or potential violations that have occurred or are likely to occur at the Agency or attempts to conceal such violations related to:

  • an act or omission contrary to the law, internal regulations or ethical standards applicable to the Agency;
  • an act or omission aimed at circumventing the aforementioned regulations, standards or law.

Notification of a violation can be made at your choice in the form of:

  • electronic via the following report form;
  • electronic to the e-mail address of the Employee processing the report;
  • by mail addressed to the address of the Agency's headquarters with the note “confidential - for personal use” of the relevant Employee processing the report;
  • mail submitted at the Agency's headquarters directly to the Employee processing the application;
  • a statement made at the headquarters of the Agency in the presence of the Employee processing the application.

The employee processing the application is:

  • Notification Officer - for all violations (e-mail: compliance@abm.gov.pl);
  • Data Protection Officer - with regard to violations concerning privacy and personal data protection (e-mail: iod@abm.gov.pl);
  • Anti-Fraud Commissioner - for violations concerning fraud in competitions organized by the Agency or projects financed by the Agency (e-mail: fraud@abm.gov.pl);
  • Ombudsman for the Information and Communications Technology System (ISMS) - with regard to violations concerning the security of networks or information and communication systems and information security
  • (e-mail: bezpieczenstwo@abm.gov.pl).

Headquarters address: the Medical Research Agency, 69 Chmielna St., 00-801 Warsaw.

Office hours: Monday-Friday, 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. (except for public holidays and days set as holidays by the Agency, about which the Agency shall inform on its website in advance).

For efficient processing of the notification and effective follow-up, it is recommended that the notification include, in particular:

For efficient processing of the notification and effective follow-up, it is recommended that the notification include, in particular:

  • details of the person/entity affected by the violation;
  • description and course of the violation (e.g. time, place, circumstances, witnesses);
  • details of the Whistleblower (if the notification is not made anonymously);
  • any other information that is relevant to the violation, including documents, if any;
  • indication of whether the violation was reported to another authority (if so, when and to which authority).

The whistleblower may make the report either anonymously or by providing his or her personal or contact information. The Agency will not take any steps to determine the identity of anonymous Whistleblowers.

In the manner specified above, the Whistleblower may make a report of a violation concerning in particular:

  • public procurement;
  • privacy and personal data protection;
  • security of information and communication networks or systems; and information security;
  • fraud in competitions organized by the Agency or projects financed by the Agency;
  • incidents of a corrupt nature;
  • incidents of bullying or discrimination, including harassment or sexual harassment;
  • incidents of conflict of interest;
  • the occurrence of a threat to life, health, safety or the environment;
  • Work Regulations;
  • Code of Ethics.
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