Dr Alfred Sokolowski Specialist Hospital in Walbrzych

Dr Alfred Sokolowski Specialist Hospital in Walbrzych is a medical facility with an extensive and long-standing experience in multidisciplinary healthcare. The Hospital has been developing its clinical trial capacity for many years. With the establishment of an Oncology Clinical Trials Support Centre funded by the Medical Research Agency, the Hospital acquired a sophisticated facility capable of comprehensive management and development of clinical trials. The newly established OncoCTSC will be equipped with a suitable infrastructure, a well-ordered and effective organisational structure, clear operating procedures that ensure functionality, continued operations and integrity of activities, as well as systemic solutions including tools for efficient research process management, effective PR, and a results disclosure plan.

Principal advantages:

  • Active performance of clinical trials involving haematology, ophthalmology, cardiology, and psychiatric patients.
  • In 2023, the Hospital is planning to sponsor two non-commercial oncology trials and is currently working on partnering in 5 more; it will also begin patient enrolment in 4 commercial trials.
  • Owing to the project, the Hospital hopes to become a local leader in innovative pharmacological therapy and treatment of comorbidities associated with cancer.

Website of the Clinical Trials Support Centre

Location: A. Sokołowskiego 4, 58-309 Walbrzych


e-mail: onkocwbk@zdrowie.walbrzych.pl



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