Polish Mother's Memorial Hospital – Research Institute in Lodz

Polish Mother's Memorial Hospital – Research Institute (PMMH-RI) in Lodz is a one-of-a-kind research institution that provides professional healthcare and is located in a two-building complex housing a gynaecology and obstetrics unit and a paediatric unit. PMMH-RI has been involved in medical research and development since 1997. With the establishment of an OncoCTSC, the availability of clinical trials in oncology will be maximised as more trials will be initiated onsite. Clinical trial operating processes will be standardised, quality and other support systems implemented, and suitable infrastructure ensured to make clinical trial access equally intuitive both to patients and sposors/CROs. The Institute will engage in effective promotional activities, including advertising in mass media and social media in order to reach a wider group of potential subjects and make patients more aware of the importance of clinical trials in cancer treatment and other therapies.

Principal advantages:

  • Since 2011, PMMH-RI has signed contracts for over 100 clinical trials, including two non-commercial projects financed by the Medical Research Agency.
  • Clinical trials focus primarily on the fields of oncology, endocrinology, and metabolic diseases, but also neurology, nephrology, and paediatrics.
  • In 2016, Polish Mother's Memorial Hospital – Research Institute received a HR Excellence in Research award from the European Commission. In addition, the Committee for Evaluation of Research Facilities granted the Institute with research category A in 2018.

Website of the Clinical Trials Support Centre

Location: Rzgowska 281/289, 93-338 Lodz


Head of CTSC, mgr., MBA, r.pr. Magdalena Filipkiewicz:

e-mail: magdalena.filipkiewicz@iczmp.edu.pl, tel.: (+48) 42 271 18 93

tel.: (+48) 42 271 16 06


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