Medical Research Agency,Pomeranian-Hospitals-LLC.html
03.07.2024, 11:36

Pomeranian Hospitals LLC

Pomeranian Hospitals LLC is a healthcare facility highly specialised in the fields of radiotherapy, surgical oncology, clinical oncology, haematology, and ambulatory chemotherapy. The establishment of the Pomeranian Oncology Clinical Trials Support Centre, equipped with a suitable infrastructure, a well-ordered and effective organisational structure, clear processes set forth in operating procedures that ensure functionality, continued operations and integrity of activities, will considerably enhance the facility’s potential.

Principal advantages:

  • One of the most active institutions in the region involved in international research projects.
  • Conducted over 240 clinical trials, mostly in the fields of oncology, hemato-oncology, cardiology, radiotherapy, and gynaecological oncology.
  • Access to new therapeutic fields and accelerated diagnostic processes will considerably optimise patient management from diagnosis to follow-up.
  • A trainee programme is being put in place in order to educate young people, promote work ethics and occupational health and safety, as well as raise awareness in health and good clinical practice.

Website of the Clinical Trials Support Centre

Location: Polish Red Cross Maritime Hospital, ul. Powstania styczniowego 1, 81-519 Gdynia


e-mail: lub

tel.: (+48) 58 726 01 87
