Medical Research Agency,The-first-PLN-100-million-for-non-commercial-clinical-research-Competition-of-th.html
03.07.2024, 11:16

The first PLN 100 million for non-commercial clinical research. Competition of the Medical Research Agency

Medical Research Agency has allocated PLN 100 million for the first competition in the area of supporting non-commercial clinical research. The funds will be channelled to patients through the leading research centres in Poland. The subsidy may be granted to projects in the area of paediatrics, neonatology, neurology, haematology, radiation therapy, oncology and cardiology

Non-commercial clinical studies are independent clinical studies, were the data obtained is owned by a university or health care entity. Currently Poland occupies one of the last positions in Europe in terms of the implemented non-commercial clinical research. In our country it is only 2% of all the registered trials, whilst the European average is 30%. The Medical Research Agency's goal is to change those unfavourable proportions through such tools as health care sector informatisation and new legal solutions.

Implementation of non-commercial clinical research involves numerous benefits, both for patients and health care entities, researcher or NFZ. For the patient it means a better access to modern, innovative therapies often for diseases standard medicine does not offer any solutions for.

Thanks to implementation of non-commercial clinical research the budget health care entities dispose of increases. Trials of this type also create opportunities to improve qualifications and position of researchers as well as to exchange experiences between centres in Poland and around the world. Finally, implementation of non-commercial clinical research is a chance to improve the quality of treatment and to allocate financial resources for health care in a better way.

Applications for co-financing of a project may be submitted up to 29 November 2019.

Details of the competition: http://


