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Medical Research Agency summarises the work done and reveals plans for the oncoming year

As soon as on 4 December a conference of the Medical Research Agency titled "New opportunities for the development of medical and health sciences - WHERE ARE WE? WHERE ARE WE HEADING?" will be held. During this event, the Agency will summarise its activities and present plans for the year 2020.

Currently Poland occupies one of the last positions in Europe in terms of the implemented non-commercial clinical research. In order to reverse this negative trend, the Medical Research Agency was created and its main goal is to support innovative activities in health care, with the special attention paid to non-commercial clinical research.

During the last half of the year, the Agency initiated implementation on numerous undertakings, that were long-awaited by both medical community and also individuals engaged in creating and managing health care system in Poland.

A team of experts of the MRA developed the Clinical Research Development Programme that includes diagnosis of clinical research sector in Poland and the strategy for actions leading to optimisation and improvement of the most important indicators of non-commercial research in the long-term perspective. Medical Research Agency, within the framework of its statutory activity, has allocated PLN 100 million for the first competition in the area of supporting non-commercial clinical research. During the Conference it will present its detailed assumptions and the results achieved to date.

During the Conference, a draft of the Agency's action plan for the year 2020 will be presented, including its assumptions for creation and development of the network of the Clinical Research Centres and competitions for research and development activities in terms of non-commercial clinical research, with particular attention paid to drug and non-drug technologies.

The Conference will be the occasion to jointly elaborate on new concepts and areas for implementation of non-commercial clinical trials and health care innovations. Presence of renowned specialists will allow an exchange of knowledge, experience and best practices in research activities.

Participation in this event is possible only after completing the registration available at: http://nbk.abm.gov.pl/rejestracja

A detailed agenda of the Conference is available at: https://nbk.abm.gov.pl/program


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