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03.07.2024, 09:25

Medical Research Agency has signed a letter of intent that supports development of innovation

The Medical Research Agency has signed a letter of intent declaring cooperation with representatives of key pharmaceutical companies in Poland in the field of developing the innovation of Polish medicine.

The agreement concluded between the Medical Research Agency and pharmaceutical companies concerns supporting enterprises in conducting and developing innovative activities in the field of medical sciences, health sciences and interdisciplinary projects in healthcare, with particular emphasis on artificial intelligence, and also includes joint actions aimed at developing new technologies and scientific research in healthcare. The cooperation shall include joint organisation of workshops, conferences, seminars and trainings, as well as creation of initiatives of experts in the form of think-tanks.

Signing the letter of intent is one of the initiatives that support creation of ecosystem conducive to development of innovation in Poland, and stimulation of innovation is for the Polish health care system, one of the key tasks for the oncoming years. We are open to expansion of cooperation in this area, therefore the letter in open - said Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD, acting President of the Medical Research Agency.

Gabor Sztaniszlav, a representative of GM Amgen Polska, who signed the letter of intent, concluded - Amgen activities focus not only on discovering, developing and delivering break-through medications to patients. We try to actively look for the new possibilities to support development of innovation and research. We also carry out activities aimed at increasing excellence of scientific education and inspiring future generations of innovators. Supporting positive changes in health care is our contribution to better tomorrow, the evidence of our engagement in improving the quality of life and increasing the patients' access to innovative therapies.

Together with the Medical Research Agency, 12 pharmaceutical companies, members of the Pharmaceutical Committee of the American Chamber of Commerce, signed the letter of intent. They include: Amgen, AstraZeneca, BMS, Janssen, Medtronic, MSD, Mylan, Novartis, Pfizer, Roche and Takeda. It is an open letter, therefore other companies may join the initiatives.
