Medical Research Agency,Medical-Research-Agency-at-the-29th-Economic-Forum-in-Krynica-Zdroj.html
03.07.2024, 09:52

Medical Research Agency at the 29th Economic Forum in Krynica-Zdrój

Health care is one of the key subjects discussed during the Economic Forum in Krynica. The Medical Research Agency, as a part of the program of the 29th edition of the event, shall host the following panel: "Research and development in biotechnology as a leading branch of the country's innovative economy", that will take place on 4 September 2019, at 13:10.

Only by supporting the biotechnology sector and coordinating our actions in this area we have a chance to improve the dynamics of economic development of our country, which will directly contribute to decreasing the delay in the introduction of mechanisms that promote the development of the clinical trials market in Poland, when compared to highly developed countries- underlines Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD - acting President of the Medical Research Agency.

The clinical trials market is a dynamically developing branch of economy, that offers patients an opportunity to have access to modern therapies, generates new jobs and contributes to development of the whole country. The use the potential of this sector in order to increase economic competitiveness, and at the same time ensuring proper conditions for sustainable development in Poland is a challenge for the nearest future.

The aim of the Panel is to stimulate a discussion on the meaning and potential of biotechnology in economic development. The key challenge for Poland in the nearest future will be to elaborate appropriate environment that would enable development of innovative technologies and solutions for both Polish and global market.

The use of new technologies in the treatment process has influence on its quality and safety, and ultimately on recovery of patients and the length of their lives. The need to understand the importance of innovative solutions for the patient and the readiness to invest in new system solution are integral elements of implementing such solutions to the health care system. As a consequence, the Panel hosted by MRA will be an opportunity to talk about economic possibilities of the Medical Research Agency and the influence it has on stimulation of growth of the Polish economy.

Prospects for biotechnology development depend mainly on the highly skilled team of specialists and strong scientific facilities that attract foreign investors. A sustainable environment and conditions for investments stand a good chance of increasing involvement of international institutions in the development of the national biotechnology.

The following speakers will participate in the panel: prof. Łukasz Szumowski, MD, PhD, Prof. Wojciech Maksymowicz, MD, PhD - the Minister of Science and Higher Education, Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD, acting the President of the Medical Research Agency, Jacques Demotes - the Director General of the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network, John Dunlop - Vice President, Neuroscience Research at Amgen, Trevor Gunn - Vice President- International Relations for Medtronic.
