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With support from Medical Research Agency, JJP Biologics begins research into innovative monoclonal antibody

A significant step in the development of Polish medicine! Thanks to funding from the Medical Research Agency, JJP Biologics is starting clinical trials on the first Polish monoclonal antibody with anti-inflammatory activity. This is a tremendous success and proves that Poland is becoming an important player on the global stage of developing innovative therapies.

The European Medicines Agency has granted approval to start clinical trials of the drug candidate JJP-1212, a CD89 receptor antagonist, in healthy volunteers (EUCT number: 2023-508661-33-00). The study will be conducted in Poland, with the main aim of confirming the safety profile of JJP-1212 and identifying its potential applications in the treatment of immunoglobulin A (IgA)-dependent autoimmune and fibrotic diseases.

- Support from the Medical Research Agency has enabled JJP Biologics to complete all stages of the project, from identifying drug candidates to entering the clinical phase. We are proud to be the first Polish pharmaceutical company to receive approval to conduct such a study - Paweł Szczepański, Chief Operating Officer, Member of the Management Board of JJP Biologics

JJP Biologics, specialises in the development of innovative biotechnology drugs, precision medicine and personalised therapies. JJP-1212 is an antibody whose first clinically validated indication will be for linear IgA-dependent bullous dermatosis (LABD). LABD is a chronic skin disease for which dedicated drugs targeting elements of the pathogenesis are still lacking. Typical symptoms of LABD are the presence of painful blisters on the skin and mucous membranes, often combined with intense itching. In extreme cases, it can even lead to damage and loss of vision.

The design work for the JJP-1212 antibody at this stage involves conducting the first clinical trial with healthy volunteers to assess the safety of single and multiple dose administration of JJP-1212, putting the patient and his or her needs at the centre of the drug development programme.

- We are confident that this study will be an important step forward in the treatment of autoimmune and fibrotic diseases. We expect that its results will not only improve the quality of life of patients suffering from these conditions, but also contribute to the development of modern treatments on a global scale. In addition, the success of this project will significantly strengthen the position of the Polish biotechnology sector on the international arena, demonstrating our innovation and research capabilities - Krzysztof Górski, Director of the Non-commercial Project Management Department of the Medical Research Agency


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