Medical Research Agency,Medical-Research-Agency-to-provide-nearly-PLN-38-million-to-launch-13-innovative.html
03.07.2024, 07:20

Medical Research Agency to provide nearly PLN 38 million to launch 13 innovative degree programs in biomedical sciences

The rapid development of medicine and innovation creates the need to rapidly acquire up-to-date, specialized knowledge and build a skilled workforce. Supporting the closing of competence gaps in this area is to be provided by the Medical Research Agency's competition, thanks to which 13 original projects will be launched for the implementation of postgraduate studies in biomedical sciences, supporting the efficiency of medical personnel training.

The biomedical sector occupies an important place in the economy and has a significant impact on the development of medical science, providing patients with access to innovative treatments. However, it is still necessary - in relation to Western European countries - to further professionalize research centers so that they are able to compete for research projects internationally based on high quality work and modern management models.

An adequate supply of qualified specialists is one of the main conditions for the development of any sector, including clinical research. The creation of proprietary postgraduate programs in biomedical sciences is a response to the demand for the acquisition of specialized knowledge and practical skills in the field of research and development, which will translate into future practice and a higher quality of services. At present, centers operating within non-business medical entities often lack sufficient competence to conduct research, despite the potential for staff, equipment and having a significant patient population. As a result, it is particularly important to create educational opportunities for innovation and commercialization in health care, drug and medical device development, translational medicine and clinical research to fill current gaps.

The clinical trials market is a rapidly growing sector worldwide. In addition, we have recently seen a significant development of non-commercial clinical trials funded by the Medical Research Agency. We see that thanks to the investment in Polish biotechnology, the demand for clinical research specialists has also increased. We have been able to unleash the market, creating new jobs. Over the past few years, universities across the country have begun recruiting for studies related to work in research; just five years ago, such offerings were virtually non-existent. Observing this demand, the Agency has announced, for the first time, a competition for postgraduate studies aimed at Polish universities that will train medical staff in clinical research or scientific project management,” stresses Medical Research Agency President Radoslaw Sierpinski, MD.

List of universities that will launch their proprietary programs:

  • Warsaw Medical University
  • Medical University in Poznań
  • Jagiellonian University
  • Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń
  • Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski University of Cracow
  • Medical University of Gdansk
  • Medical University of Lublin
  • Lazarski University
  • Medical University of Białystok
  • Academy of Applied Medical and Social Sciences
  • Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw
  • Medical University of Silesia
  • Jan Kochanowski University 
