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The first edition of “The Polish Clinical Scholars Research Training” program has been launched

A three-day workshop inaugurating the first edition of The Polish Clinical Scholars Research Training program, designed and implemented by Harvard Medical School Postgraduate Medical Education for the Medical Research Agency, began in Warsaw on October 24. Over the next twelve months, one hundred Polish researchers and scientists will have the opportunity to participate in webinars and on-site workshops, as well as use virtual self-study tools to improve their competence in the area of scientific project implementation.

Participation in the program enables them to increase their competence in designing and conducting observational and experimental scientific studies, analyzing, interpreting and presenting data from clinical trials, and producing high-quality publications. Lectures will be delivered by experts from Harvard Medical School Postgraduate Medical Education.

The entire program is based on nine specialized modules:

  • Introductory module
  • Biostatistics
  • Advanced biostatistics
  • Epidemiology
  • Epigenetics and epigenomics
  • Advanced clinical research issues
  • Fundamentals of translational science
  • Leadership and teamwork
  • Preparation of scientific publications and grant applications

- Over a period of 5 years, 500 Polish scientists, using the experience of Harvard Medical School Postgraduate Medical Education, will be educated under the guidance of top specialists. The program of these studies was created especially for Poland. Over the course of a year, it will allow Polish scientists to develop on various levels. There is also a whole broad module on the digitization of science and clinical research, how modern scientific research should be approached. I'm convinced that the 500 people who will benefit from these studies will be a group of leaders who, in time, will become heads of clinics, rectors of universities, heads of research groups feeding the Polish cadre of top-class specialists,” stresses Medical Research Agency President Radoslaw Sierpinski, MD.

- Clinical research provides new insights into disease mechanisms and therapies to improve patient outcomes, said Ajay K. Singh, senior associate dean for postgraduate medical education at Harvard Medical School, “By providing high-quality training in the area of clinical research in Poland, we are advancing Harvard Medical School's mission to build a diverse, global community dedicated to combating suffering and improving health and overall well-being.

Detailed information about the program is available on the website at the following link: https://postgraduateeducation.hms.harvard.edu/p-csrt


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