Medical Research Agency,Appointment-of-National-Representatives-for-the-POLCRIN-entity.html
03.07.2024, 11:31

Appointment of National Representatives for the POLCRIN entity

In connection with Poland's accession to the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN) on 23 August 2019 for a period of three years in the role of an observer, the Medical Research Agency has created the POLCRIN entity (Eng. Polish Clinical Research Infrastructure Network).

On 6 February Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD, acting President of the Medical Research Agency, made an appointments for the position of the National Representative and his deputies in the POLCRIN entity. Professor Tomasz Hryniewiecki, MD, PhD (Director of the National Institute of Cardiology in Warsaw) has been appointed as the National Representative. Prof. Marcin Moniuszko, MD, PhD (Vice-Rector for Science and Development, Medical University of Białystok) and prof. Jan Maciej Zaucha, MD, PhD (Head of the Chair and Clinic of Hematology and Transplantology, Medical University of Gdańsk) were appointed as his deputies and Marek Migdał, MD, PhD (Director of the Children's Health Memorial Institute in Warsaw) became the National Coordinator for Pediatric Research.

The POLCRIN mission is to develop clinical research in Poland with special attention paid to promotion of innovation, competitiveness and quality in clinical research initiated by Polish researchers. The goal of the entity is to develop infrastructure designed for promotion of international cooperation that would be beneficial for patients, citizens and health care system.
