Medical Research Agency,Model-tripartite-agreement-of-the-Polish-Clinical-Trials-Network-now-available.html
03.07.2024, 09:45

Model tripartite agreement of the Polish Clinical Trials Network - now available!

The Agency for Medical Research continuously undertakes activities aimed at developing and making the Polish clinical trials market more attractive. Thanks to ABM's activities, the number of clinical trials conducted in Poland is steadily increasing, giving Polish patients access to breakthrough and innovative therapies, supporting the health care system and developing the scientific potential of domestic researchers and scientists.

Each year, the number of pharmaceutical companies and Sponsors choosing to conduct clinical trials in Poland increases. This has been made possible by the creation of a friendly and open environment that guarantees the maintenance of high quality and transparency of the clinical trials conducted. The creation of the Polish Clinical Trials Network, which includes 23 standardized centers, has increased the volume and competitiveness of Poland on the international arena.

In order to continually expand opportunities, the Agency, in cooperation with stakeholders in the clinical research market, provides tools and solutions aimed at supporting each stage of clinical trial execution. This idea guided the creation of a fully accessible template for a tripartite agreement to facilitate the contracting process. This is a complex, multi-stage and time-consuming procedure, hence it was of utmost importance to provide a set of provisions that will form the foundation for further development of the proposed provisions.

This document will be subject to updates to adapt it to the changing needs of the recipients and the clinical research market.
