Medical Research Agency,II-term-of-the-PCTN-Business-Council-recruitment.html
03.07.2024, 09:53

II term of the PCTN Business Council – recruitment!

The Medical Research Agency announces recruitment for the second term of the PCTN Business Council, which will begin on January 1, 2023.

The Business Council of the Polish Clinical Trials Network (PCTN) advises on the directions of development of the clinical trials market in Poland. Members of the Business Council have an impact on the activities implemented within the Network. Their suggestions and ideas provide important guidance for further building a strong and well-organized PCTN structure. In addition, members should be characterized by strong commitment and a desire to improve the clinical trials market in Poland.

Who can become a member of the Business Council?

  • representatives of the pharmaceutical industry - responsible for clinical trials and the development of innovative therapies on a daily basis,
  • representatives of members of the Union of Employers of Innovative Pharmaceutical Companies (INFARMA),
  • representatives of members of the Polish Association of Employers of Companies Conducting Clinical Research on Commission (POLCRO),
  • representatives of associations, foundations and organizations working for the benefit of patients participating in clinical trials.

The term of office will last 2 years and is pro bono.

Application deadline: 14/10/2022

Please submit your candidacies using the form below:

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We cordially invite you!
