Medical Research Agency,Expanding-cooperation-of-the-Medical-Research-Agency-with-its-partners-in-the-US.html
03.07.2024, 09:31

Expanding cooperation of the Medical Research Agency with its partners in the USA

Joint projects in the field of health care, exchange of experiences and plans of further cooperation are the main objectives of the visit to the USA. The representatives of the Medical Research Agency are discussing implementation on innovations in medicine and biotechnology with the representatives of key institutions in the field of health care in the United States.

During the first meeting of the Polish delegation in the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, the leading cancer centre in the USA, implementation of joint projects on malignant cancer and prevention was the main subject. These are the actions undertaken on the basis of memorandum on cooperation in the area of clinical research, signed in March 2019 by the Medical Research Agency and MD Anderson.

"Organisation of cancer prevention is for the Polish health care system, one of the key tasks for the oncoming years. Solutions implemented in the best cancer centres in the USA, with MRA's help could be successfully developed in Poland. Our further cooperation with MD Anderson will also allow us to cooperate in the area of new technologies and therapies in oncology." - stressed Radosław Sierpiński, the President of the Medical Research Agency.

In the coming days we have planned meetings with representatives of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and the Defense Health Headquarters, where we will discuss our joint projects in the area of regenerative medicine and robotics, and also with NIH, National Cancer Institute (NCI), National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) and with the representatives of Skirball Center of Innovation and the Kosciuszko Foundation.

The main area of discussion includes joint projects, coordinated by the MRA, with participation of health care institutions, in the area of innovations in medicine, development of Polish oncology, health care financing and biotechnology development.
