Medical Research Agency,Poland-and-USA-signed-agreement-on-cooperation-in-the-area-of-biomedical-science.html
03.07.2024, 09:27

Poland and USA signed agreement on cooperation in the area of biomedical sciences

The Minister of Health, prof. Łukasz Szumowski, and Alex Azar, the Secretary of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, on 13 July 2018 signed the agreement on cooperation in the area of biomedical sciences.

The agreement on the Polish side, was supported by the Ministry of Health, Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Department of Health and Human Services on the American side. The secretary Alex Azar underlined that "both Poland and the United States are on the stage of modifications and development of their health care systems". He offered help in developing a technology transfer system in Poland.

Minister Łukasz Szumowski stressed that thanks to the agreement, Polish biomedical sciences and Polish scientists are offered a huge opportunity of development and access to knowledge, experience and scientific resources of American institutions. Minister Szumowski added that we would like to use the American knowledge and experience during the process of creation of the Medical Research Agency. "We have also discussed the programme of scholarships that starts in Autumn, designated for Polish researchers and doctors that will have the opportunity to work for the best science and medicine centres in the USA" - said professor Szumowski.

The areas of cooperation cover development of joint research, trainings and actions aimed at other priorities, including:

- diseases fought by vaccines and other infectious diseases,

- tuberculosis, especially its drug-resistant and multi-drug-resistant strains,

- pandemic influenza,

- chronic diseases, especially cardiovascular diseases, malignant tumours, diabetes, respiratory diseases and dementia,

- mental health.

Cooperation methods may include:

- joint scientific programmes and research projects,

- consultations, meetings and scientific conferences,

- exchange and trainings for scientists and experts,

- sharing information.
