Medical Research Agency,Military-Medical-Institute-in-Warsaw.html
03.07.2024, 09:25

Military Medical Institute in Warsaw

On 27 January 2022, a Clinical Trials Support Centre was opened at Military Medical Institute in Warsaw (MMI), one of the biggest accredited multi-profile healthcare institutions with the highest referral level in Poland. The Institute is accredited by the Minister of Health and has implemented certified quality management systems (ISO 9001, AQAP 2110). The Clinical Trials Support Centre coordinates the conduct of clinical trials and provides comprehensive support in trial management and performance. Creating a CTSC at Wojskowy Instytut Medyczny is meant to improve access to innovative therapies by expanding the range of clinical trials (especially early phase) being conducted and ensuring institutional support in terms of trial coordination, administration, data management and IT, which will directly translate into creating a more effective clinical trial infrastructure at the Institute.

Principal advantages:

  • In 2019, MMI conducted 45 clinical trials, of which 3 were non-commercial.
  • The CTSC includes an Early Phase Department dedicated to phase 1 and 2 trials.

Website of the Clinical Trials Support Centre

Location: Szaserow 128, 04-141 Warsaw

Contact for Patients/Office:

tel.: (+48) 261 817 013

Contact for commercial clinical trials:

Ewelina Kowal, tel.: (+48) 665 707 584


Contact for non-commercial clinical trials:

