Medical Research Agency,Childrens-Memorial-Health-Institute-in-Warsaw.html
03.07.2024, 09:37

Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw

The 27th of July 2021 saw the opening of the first Paediatric Clinical Trials Support Centre (PaediCTSC) at Children’s Memorial Health Institute in Warsaw. As a research unit, the Institute boasts the highest category A, which it has held since the very beginning of its operation in 1977 (then as Children’s Memorial Health Institute). The facility is a leading paediatric institution in Poland, as evidenced by its clinical, research and educational achievements. The PaediCTSC not only conducts clinical trials, but also initiates and designs clinical research that responds to the demands of paediatric patients in need of better access to advanced therapies. The principal idea behind the PaediCTSC project was to increase the number of trials and the availability of information on drug use in children and adolescents.

Principal advantages:

  • In 2019, Children’s Memorial Health Institute was involved in 64 clinical trials, including 2 non-commercial ones.
  • The Institute is the only Polish partner involved in European initiatives for both pre-clinical (European Paediatric Translational Research Infrastructure - EPTRI) and clinical research (connet4children – c4c).

Website of the Clinical Trials Support Centre

Location: Children’s Memorial Health Institute, Al. Dzieci Polskich 20, 04-730 Warsaw


Feasibility: Aleksander Wiśniewski -; tel: (+48) 601 369 858

Commercial clinical trials : Mariola Modzelewska -; tel: (+48) 22 815 11 68

Point of Contact CWpediBK: Iwona Grząbka -; tel: (+48) 22 815 19 83

