Medical Research Agency,The-Medical-Research-Agency-announces-a-competition-for-non-commercial-clinical-.html
03.07.2024, 11:20

The Medical Research Agency announces a competition for non-commercial clinical trials in the field of psychiatry and neurology (ABM/2021/2).

The main objective of the competition is to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic procedures in the field of psychiatry and neurology in non-commercial clinical trials.

MRA's support of this area will improve the situation of patients with mental and neurological diseases, primarily by increasing access to modern diagnostics and treatment. The competition is implemented in accordance with the Clinical Research Development Plan 2020-2025.

The recruitment is addressed to entities such as: universities; federations of higher education and science stakeholders; PAN; scientific institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences; research institutes; international scientific institutes; Medical Center for Postgraduate Education; medical entities for which the creating subject is a public medical university or a university conducting teaching and research activities in medical sciences or a Medical Centre for Postgraduate Education; entrepreneurs with the status of a research and development centre; entities conducting scientific research and development works that undertake the possibility of implementing projects in the form of non-commercial clinical trials.

Financial resources allocated to the competition: PLN 100 million

Termin składania wniosków:

Nabór wniosków w systemie trwa od dnia 5 maja 2021 r. od godziny 12:00 do dnia 30 czerwca 2021 r.  do godziny 12:00, wyłącznie w formie dokumentu elektronicznego za pośrednictwem Systemu teleinformatycznego, dostępnego na stronie Agencji

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