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03.07.2024, 11:28

Cooperation between the Medical Research Agency and the National Science Center

President of the Medical Research Agency Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD and Director of the National Science Centre Professor Zbigniew Błocki signed an agreement on cooperation, including in particular mutual support in using the results of research and implementation of innovations in the health care system.

The aim of the concluded agreement is to create joint financing instruments and other mechanisms supporting continuity and coherence of the implementation of scientific research and development works, with particular emphasis on clinical, observational and epidemiological research. The agreement also includes activities to complement the programme offer and activities to support internationalisation and promotion of Polish science.

The agreement will create new opportunities for research teams to carry out joint projects, as well as to continue basic research that has yielded interesting results at the pre-clinical stage. The long-term goal of the initiative is to lead to the implementation of discoveries that would otherwise remain only at the basic research stage.

Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD, President of the Medical Research Agency, comments: "It is important to build a chain of research funding from basic science, through prototyping to clinical trials and implementation. Polish science must become applied science and translate it into access to technology. I believe that biotechnology can become an example and precedent in Polish R&D work". 

Cooperation between the Medical Research Agency and the National Science Centre will make it possible to fill the gap in the research market in the form of pre-clinical studies, which in turn will contribute to the commencement of effective clinical trials. In addition, researchers will get the chance to carry out scientific projects with a broader perspective, focused on patient welfare from the basic research stage.

The starting cooperation between National Science Centre and Medical Research Agency will allow to develop and implement ideas resulting from National Science Centre funded projects. Such a model of joint action is very much needed in the Polish system of science development. We are counting on valuable projects of clinical trials or new therapies based on innovative scientific research in the field of civilization diseases - emphasizes prof. Zbigniew Błocki - Director of the National Science Centre.
