Medical Research Agency,Results-of-the-call-or-research-and-development-activities-in-the-field-of-non-c.html
03.07.2024, 11:34

Results of the call or research and development activities in the field of non-commercial clinical trials - 1st round

President of the Medical Research Agency Radosław Sierpiński, MD PhD approved the ranking list containing the results of the competition for research and development activities in the field of non-commercial clinical trials in the first round of the competition.

On the basis of the ranking list drawn up as a result of the competition procedure and the available allocation, 16 projects received funding under the first round of the competition, whose total amount of funding is PLN 182 055 876. 65. Within the framework of the first round of the competition, 53 applications were submitted with a total value of over PLN 600 million, of which the highest number of applications were submitted in the area of cardiology and oncology. 41 applications were submitted for substantive assessment.

At the same time we would like to inform you that due to the fact that the projects recommended for funding in round I of the competition exhaust the allocation allocated to the competition, the President of the Medical Research Agency decided to increase the original allocation of the competition for round II and III of the competition by a total of PLN 100,000,000. 00 (PLN 50,000,000. 00 for each of the rounds), with a simultaneous reservation that the projects from round II and III can be recommended for funding only if the threshold of 119 points is exceeded, i. e. the lowest rated project recommended for funding in round I.
