Medical Research Agency,Medical-Research-Agency-will-allocate-100-million-for-the-creation-of-specialize.html
03.07.2024, 11:31

Medical Research Agency will allocate 100 million for the creation of specialized Clinical Research Support Centres.

The initiative aims to increase the number of both clinical trials and their participants in Poland, as well as to use the potential of the clinical trials sector to increase the competitiveness of the national economy.

The call for the creation and development of the Clinical Research Support Centres (CWBK) is the implementation of the Clinical Research Development Plan. As the emphasizes President of the Medical Research Agency Radosław Sierpiński MD PhD - The creation of Clinical Research Support Centres is the realization of last year's promises and will contribute to improving the attractiveness of the clinical trials market in Poland and, what is most important, to increase the availability of trials for patients, improve their standard and safety.

In Poland, we still do not fully exploit the existing potential in the area of clinical research. Taking into account the size of the Polish population, the value of the Polish clinical trials market should be three times greater than the current PLN 2 billion - explains President of the Agency - Radosław Sierpiński MD PhD. Therefore, one of the steps taken by MRA to eliminate barriers in this area is to create specialised Clinical Research Support Centres in Poland, operating in the shared services model, providing comprehensive and systemic support for the implementation of both commercial and non-commercial research. Clinical Research Support Centres, which will be set up to allow for the implementation of research at the highest European level. It is a package of solutions for scientists, doctors and patients enabling access to the latest therapies already at the stage of their implementation, while maintaining the highest standards of quality and safety - concludes the President of MRA.

The first step of the project implementation by Agency was to define a model standard for CWBK, the next one is to assist in the development of the Centres by financing three areas: human resources, development of the existing infrastructure and support and quality systems. The effect of the undertaken actions will be the creation of a network of centres in which uniform, systemic quality solutions will be implemented. The implemented solutions will allow to shorten the total time of the study and increase the quality of the obtained data. These changes will make the clinical trials market in Poland more attractive, which will contribute to a more frequent choice of Polish research centres by sponsors, and thus an increase in the number of conducted trials and access to modern, innovative therapies for patients.

The creation of Clinical Research Support Centres will help in the development of medical and health sciences and by increasing, among other things The competitiveness of the Polish market in terms of clinical research services will contribute to the growth of innovation in Polish medicine. The amount allocated for co-financing of projects selected under the competition is PLN 100 million. The call for proposals runs from 11 May to 30 July 2020.
