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03.07.2024, 11:35

Medical Research Agency announces the results of the first call in the area of supporting non-commercial clinical research

The President of the Medical Research Agency, Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD, approved the ranking list of the first call in the area of supporting non-commercial clinical research

By the end of September 2019, the Medical Research Agency announced the first call for research and scientific projects in the area of non-commercial clinical trials for which PLN 100 million financing was allocated. The call is the first such a significant support for non-commercial clinical research in the whole Central and Eastern Europe.

Within the time limit, the Agency received 78 applications with total value of almost PLN 1.5 billion. Mean value of a project was about PLN 17 547 374. The highest number of applications was submitted in the area of oncology and cardiology.

77 applications in the field of paediatrics, neonatology, neurology, haematology, radiotherapy, oncology and cardiology were subject to content-related evaluation. The total value of the projects subject to contend-related evaluation was PLN 1 293 791 816.28

Such a great interest in the call and exceeding the allocated budget by fifteen times shows a strong mandate and need for the Medical Research Agency - sums up Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD acting President of the Agency.

Bearing in mind the huge need for undertaking non-commercial clinical research and the high scientific level of the call, the President of the Medical Research Agency decided to increase the original amount allocated for the call from PLN 100 million to PLN 462 997 769.97.

Increasing the allocation up to this level will allow us to finance 28 projects in the following areas: cardiology (10 projects), oncology (8 projects), paediatrics (5 projects), neurology (3 projects) and haematology (2 projects).

Exactly one year after the Medical Research Agency was founded, it announces the results of the first call in the area of supporting non-commercial clinical research I believe that financing at the level of almost a half a billion PLN will enable a dynamic development of this sector in our country - underlined Radosław Sierpiński, the President of MRA.
