Medical Research Agency,Council-of-the-Medical-Research-Agency-will-issue-its-opinion-on-call-for-suppor.html
03.07.2024, 11:19

Council of the Medical Research Agency will issue its opinion on call for supporting CAR - T therapy

During the forthcoming meeting of the Council of MRA, it will issue its opinion on the proposal of a new call of the Agency that will be devoted to supporting CAR-T therapy.

The aim of the call is to finance a research and development project whose final result will consist in conducting clinical trials with the use of the products of the CAR/CAR-T technology developed by a Polish institution. Implementation of the project should enable a widespread use of this therapy in the Polish healthcare system.

The applications for co-financing may be submitted only in a consortium consisting of at least one healthcare entity responsible for the production (and possible administration) of CAR/CAR-T as well as four other healthcare entities which will perform procedures connected with CAR-T administration, providing comprehensive care for patients whose treatment was based on CAR technology. Each of the healthcare entities forming part of the consortium must have experience in performance of at least 100 transplants of haemopoietic cells.

Due to high expectations, potential and the need of this therapy, MRA is planning to announce the call as early as in April 2020. The expected allocation for this purpose is PLN 100 million. It is assumed that financing will only be granted to one project – the one which scores the highest number of points.
