Medical Research Agency,Second-edition-of-the-ABM039s-call-for-support-of-non-commercial-clinical-resear.html
03.07.2024, 11:28

Second edition of the ABM's call for support of non-commercial clinical research

The Medical Research Agency announces a competition, in the context of the Medical Research Development Plan and the National Oncology Strategy, for supporting projects of non-commercial clinical research. The amount allocated to the competition is PLN 200 million. However, the total value of financing of a single project cannot exceed PLN 17.5 million.

The first call, announced by MRA in September 2019, concerned medicinal products that extended beyond the summary of product characteristics and the winners will be unveiled in March. The second call has been extended by medical devices, telemedicine and digital medicine and also the products in the field of ATMP and single chemical compounds.

The call is held as a part of the Medical Research Development Plan, according to which the Medical Research Agency's activities are supposed to increase the number of non-commercial clinical trials to the level of European average. The idea of the call is to ensure a proper flow of financing of non-commercial clinical trials in Poland and to stimulate the growth of innovation in the Polish healthcare system.

Moreover, the call refers to the goals defined by the National Oncology Strategy that supports the ideas of innovation in oncology, especially in the aspect of clinical activities. Supporting development of clinical research conducted in Poland is supposed to increase the number of registered clinical trials in the field of oncology, which will make a valuable contribution to accessibility of the up-to-date therapeutic methods.

Strengthening the potential of scientific research through the call for non-commercial clinical research is supposed to extend the patients' knowledge of clinical research conducted in our country and also to increase the number of non-commercial clinical trials implemented in Poland with respect to all the registered trials from the current level of 2.8% up to at least 10%.

When and how may I submit an application

Applications for financing may be submitted only to 30.10.2020 by 12:00 in the form of an electronic document, via the system of the Medical Research Agency, available at:

The projects sill be assessed in 3 rounds:

Round I: applications submitted between 02.03.2020 and 30.04.2020 will be evaluated.

Round II: applications submitted between 01.05.2020 and 31.08.2020 will be evaluated.

Round III: applications submitted between and 01.09.2020 and 30.10.2020 will be evaluated.

Who may submit the application

Applications for financing may be submitted by universities, research institutes, Medical Postgraduate Training Centre, federations of higher educational institutions, health care entities that were founded by a public medical university or a university that performs teaching and research activities in the field of medical sciences and also companies that have a status of research and development centre.

Project selection criteria

The projects will be assessed for their scientific value, innovation, contribution to improvement of public health, expected economic results and the possibility to apply the results of the project in the health care system. Also the potential of the entity to implement the scientific criteria of the project will be evaluated.

Moreover, additional points will be awarded to the projects in which the principal investigator has not reached the age of 40 on the day the application is submitted. Also clinical trials on rare and very rare diseases and the ones that assume manufacturing of the medical device or medication in Poland will be rewarded.

Detailed information on the call are available at:
