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03.07.2024, 09:54

Big changes in the Polish Clinical Research Network: New membership opportunities and merger with the National Clinical Research Network 'POLCRIN'

On June 21, 2023. The President of the Medical Research Agency, Radoslaw Sierpinski, MD, PhD, was the last to sign the documentation restructuring the Polish Clinical Trials Network (PSBK) and merging it with the National Clinical Trials Network "POLCRIN," thus starting a new stage in the development of the PSBK. The changes introduced are aimed at strengthening and developing the research potential in Poland, as well as strengthening cooperation between entities implementing and supporting clinical research.

Until now, only beneficiaries of competitions for the establishment and development of Clinical Research Support Centers (CWBKs), announced and conducted by the Agency for Medical Research (ABM), could become PSBK members. New provisions have distinguished three types of membership: member, observer and partner. From now on, public entities that do not have a CWBK in their structures can join the Network as an observer, and then, after 6 months and meeting certain requirements, apply for full member status. With this arrangement, an entity with observer status can become well acquainted with the functioning of the Network through participation in the General Assemblies and membership in the eight Working Groups, which will facilitate the further decision to become fully involved in PSBK activities. Partners, on the other hand, can become associations, social and professional organizations, foundations and research infrastructures from the European Union or associated countries whose goals and missions are consistent with those of the PSBK. Establishing official partnerships will expand joint outreach and influence and improve the effectiveness of the goals pursued. The partners' different perspectives and experiences will help generate new ideas and positive changes and approach challenges in innovative ways. The opportunities introduced open the door to a wide range of stakeholders looking to partner with PSBK, which will contribute to even greater dynamism and innovation in clinical research in the country.

Another important change is the merger of the PSBK with the National Clinical Research Network "POLCRIN." The merger of these two networks aims to create a stronger, more cohesive and efficient research environment, and to eliminate dualism and integrate forces under a unified structure - the Polish Clinical Research Network. In addition, PSBK, as the leading structure, will assume the role of Scientific Partner for the European Clinical Research Infrastructure Network (ECRIN).

- One of the key elements of the restructuring is to strengthen cooperation between the various research centers in Poland. We are aiming for even greater integration and synergy to enable a more efficient use of each entity's resources, knowledge and experience. By supporting each other and sharing best practices, we want to create an environment in which our research will be even more relevant to improving healthcare and patient well-being. Thus, we are building a strong and recognizable brand in the global clinical trials market under the name Polish Clinical Trials Network," says Agnieszka Ryniec, National Coordinator of the Polish Clinical Trials Network and Director of the Clinical Trials Development Center at ABM.

Entities wishing to join the PSBK as an observer or partner are invited to visit the dedicated Join PSBK tab. For questions, please contact us by email:
