Medical Research Agency,Minister-of-Health-Adam-Niedzielski-at-the-request-of-the-President-of-the-Medic.html
03.07.2024, 09:52

Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski, at the request of the President of the Medical Research Agency, appointed members of the Supreme Bioethics Committee

Health Minister Adam Niedzielski, at the request of the President of the Medical Research Agency, appointed members of the Supreme Bioethics Committee, which is responsible, among other things, for drawing up ethical evaluations of clinical trials.

The draft law on clinical trials of medicinal products for human use stipulates that members of the Supreme Bioethics Committee (NKB) will be appointed and dismissed by the Minister of Health for a 4-year term, from among candidates presented by the President of the Medical Research Agency.

- The members of the Supreme Bioethics Committee will decide on the moral and ethical compass of clinical research in Poland. The appointed specialists represent the scientific, humanistic and patient communities.  We are honored that the Medical Research Agency will become the regulator of ethical issues in research. Over the past few years, we have invested PLN 2 billion in non-commercial clinical trials, making Poland the 11th market in the world in terms of clinical trials conducted and the number of patients involved in them," said Radoslaw Sierpinski, MD, President of the Medical Research Agency.

The NKB's responsibilities include:

drafting an ethical evaluation of a clinical trial;    
conducting training for members of bioethics committees on bioethics and methodology of scientific research involving human subjects or using human biological material, as well as for persons providing services to bioethics committees;
cooperating with the President of the Office for Registration of Medicinal Products, Medical Devices and Biocidal Products on the ethical evaluation of a clinical trial;
processing applications for inclusion in the list of bioethics committees authorized to prepare an ethical evaluation of a clinical trial.
