Medical Research Agency,Agreement-on-cooperation-between-the-Medical-Research-Agency-and-the-Ministry-of.html
03.07.2024, 09:22

Agreement on cooperation between the Medical Research Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

February 8, 2023. Medical Research Agency President Radoslaw Sierpinski, MD, PhD, and Undersecretary of State at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs Wojciech Gerwel signed a cooperation agreement between the Medical Research Agency and the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Thanks to the signing of the agreement, the Medical Research Agency will be able to support the activities of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in carrying out activities to promote Poland internationally, especially in areas such as clinical research, biotechnology, medical devices and innovation in the medical sector. For its part, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs will support the establishment of new partnerships implemented by the Medical Research Agency and the promotion of the achievements of the Polish medical sector in the broadest sense.

The purpose of the Agreement is to define the principles of cooperation between the two institutions, as well as the scope of joint projects aimed at internationalization and promotion of science, innovation and Polish health-oriented research institutions and units. The cooperation of the institutions will ensure a more effective and coordinated implementation of tasks for the development of international cooperation in the field of medical and health sciences and innovative activities in the field of health care.

According to both institutions, there is great potential in the area of Polish medtech to create new, groundbreaking, as well as globally scalable technologies that will support health care in the broad sense of the word. Polish suppliers are already introducing to international markets technologies related to augmented reality, artificial intelligence or processing of huge data sets, as well as solutions or mobile applications that support remote diagnosis, or improve the organization of health care, support medical professionals and prevention.

The ceremonial signing of the agreement took place in the Giedroyc Room at the Foreign Ministry's headquarters.

