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03.07.2024, 09:53

The Medical Research Agency to bring world-class clinical research training program to Poland

On 30 January 2023, The Medical Research Agency, a Polish state agency responsible for the development of scientific research in the field of medical and health sciences, signed a letter of intent with Harvard Medical School Postgraduate Medical Education (HMS PGME). Representatives from  HMS PGME visited Warsaw to meet with the President of the Medical Research Agency. During the visit, the two institutions discussed plans for HMS PGME to design and deliver an educational program in the field of clinical research for Polish health care professionals.

“I do believe that our present talks will soon enable Polish doctors to improve their clinical research skills by learning from one of the best medical universities in the world. In our efforts, we have always strived for the best quality, and initiating dialogue with an educational institution as renowned as Harvard Medical School follows naturally from the Agency’s past endeavours. The programs offered by Harvard Medical School, besides offering high educational value, are also an excellent opportunity to network with world-class researchers. We are well aware of how important that is in medical research,” said Dr. Radosław Sierpiński, President of the Medical Research Agency, during the meeting with Dr. Ajay Singh, Senior Associate Dean for Postgraduate Medical Education, and William Straughn, Interim Executive Director for Certificates and Degrees and Director for Global Program Development. Dr. Sierpiński emphasised that the Clinical Trials Act adopted by the Polish Sejm in January would enable the Agency to initiate and develop educational programmes for Polish practitioners. “This is one of the priorities in the process of establishing a whole new system for clinical research in Poland under the responsibility of the Medical Research Agency. It is also an investment, which, I am convinced, will pay off many times over in the future,” added the President of the Agency. Continued learning in medical professions, also as regards research methodologies, will be the next item on the Agency’s agenda.

“Clinical research is the driver of health care innovation which leads to improved patient outcomes,” said Ajay K. Singh, senior associate dean for postgraduate medical education at Harvard Medical School. “Our high-impact medical educational programs actively engage global health care professionals, increasing the reach of the HMS mission to nurture a diverse, inclusive community dedicated to alleviating suffering and improving health and well-being for all.”

The arrival of HMS PGME representatives in Poland was a result of the visit of the Polish government delegation to the United States in November 2022.

During their stay in Poland, the guests were welcomed by the Minister of Health Adam Niedzielski and by Professor Alojzy Nowak, Rector of the University of Warsaw.
