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03.07.2024, 09:22

Poland among ECRIN members

On November 17 the decision to include Poland in ECRIN structures was announced.  After three years of joining the Network with the status of an Observer country, we became a full member of the organization.

The mission of the European Network of Clinical Research Infrastructures (ECRIN) is to support the conduct of international clinical research in Europe, with a particular focus on non-commercial research. Twelve countries currently belong to ECRIN: ten of them have member status (Poland, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Norway, Spain and Portugal), while the other two are Observer countries (Slovakia, Switzerland). Thus, ECRIN covers an area with a population of about 350 million European citizens, and its portfolio includes 70 multi-center research projects (with an average of more than six countries involved in a single clinical trial) and more than 40 infrastructure projects.

Poland is represented in ECRIN by ABM and POLCRIN - Polish Clinical Reasearch Infrastructure Network. Currently, POLCRIN consists of seven units, i.e. the National Institute of Cardiology, the Institute "Pomnik- Centrum Zdrowia Dziecka" in Warsaw, the Medical University of Bialystok, the Medical University of Gdansk, the Medical University of Lodz, the National Institute of Geriatrics, Rheumatology and Rehabilitation named after Prof. Dr. hab. med. Eleonora Reicher and the Jagiellonian University - Collegium Medicum. Polish centers can be engaged to participate in research conducted by other foreign units, obtaining the status of partner in a given research project, or initiate the research themselves by becoming its leader. ECRIN facilitates finding a foreign partner in such a situation and helps organize the study and coordinate it at the international level.
