Medical Research Agency,Development-of-targeted-or-personalized-medicine-based-on-cell-therapies-or-prot.html
03.07.2024, 09:34

Development of targeted or personalized medicine based on cell therapies or protein products

As part of the Biomedical Sector Development Plan, the Medical Research Agency, plans to launch a Call for the development of Targeted or Personalized Medicine based on Cell Therapies or Protein Products in July this year.

Under the Call, Applications will be allowed for Projects that are at different phases of Development of a Medicinal Product (Phase I, II, III Clinical Trials) based on Cell Therapies and Protein Products, but with the assumption that at least one full Phase Clinical Trial has been conducted.

The scope of activities covered by the Call is the development of a Medicinal Product or an innovative solution in the area of targeted and personalized medicine, serving to increase patients' access to comprehensive, multispecialized and, above all, innovative diagnostics and therapies, possible to implement in their own business.

Funding will be available for the implementation of Basic Research (maximum 12 months in the initial stage of the Project), Industrial Research, Development Work, and Consulting Services.  In addition, companies in the SME sector can apply for funding for Consulting Services.

Regardless of the level of advancement of the Project at the time of submission of the Grant Application, the Project will have to complete Commercialization.

The call will target:

  • Micro, small or medium and large enterprises conducting scientific research and development work;
  • Consortia, the Leader of which is an enterprise, and the other members may be entities such as: universities; federations of entities of the system of higher education and science; the Polish Academy of Sciences; scientific institutes of the Polish Academy of Sciences; research institutes; international scientific institutes; the Center for Medical Postgraduate Education; medical entities for which the forming subject is a public medical university or a university conducting teaching and research activities in the field of medical sciences or the Center for Medical Postgraduate Education; entrepreneurs having the status of a research and development center; entities conducting scientific research and development works.

How to submit applications

Applications will be submitted via the ABM ICT system, filling out the application form in Polish or English.

Allocation earmarked for the call

250 million PLN
