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03.07.2024, 20:25

Medical Research Agency has concluded a cooperation agreement with the Polish Hospital Association

The President of the Agency for Medical Research, MD, PhD Radosław Sierpiński, has signed the cooperation agreement with the President of the Polish Hospital Association (PFSz), Prof. Jarosław J. Fedorowski.

The aim of the agreement is to create opportunities for co-operation in the implementation of educational activities, the exchange of experience and the development of innovative activities in the fields of medicine and health sciences.

The PFSz unites more than 280 hospitals directly and acts as an umbrella organisation for more than 300 hospitals under agreements with the sectoral and local hospital associations. The PFSz represents Polish hospitals in both the European and the World Hospital Association. I believe that the measures implemented in cooperation with the PFSz will enable projects financed by ABM to be implemented directly in the hospital sector. The Polish Hospital Association is the most important opinion-former in creating modern health care. This cooperation will enable us to jointly invest in the protection of patients' health and to ensure the best possible conditions for the development of medical staff. We want the solutions developed by the Medical Research Agency, in particular initiatives such as the recently founded Warsaw Health Innovation Hub or the Polish Clinical Trials Network, to be tailored to the needs of patients, says Dr. hab. Radosław Sierpiński, President of the Medical Research Agency.

The signed agreement is a very good start for collaboration between healthcare management practitioners and researchers under the auspices of the Medical Research Agency. The Polish Hospitals Association supports the conduct of scientific studies to improve the situation of hospitals and is particularly interested in their practical aspects. This agreement will enable hospital directors to propose ABM-funded medical research, carry out pilot projects and have a greater say in the organisation and implementation of the solutions developed.- summarized the President of the Polish Federation of Hospitals, Professor Jaroslaw J. Fedorowski.
