Medical Research Agency,Results-of-the-call-for-the-development-of-innovative-therapeutic-solutions-base.html
03.07.2024, 09:33

Results of the call for the development of innovative therapeutic solutions based on RNA technology

The President of Medical Research Agency, Radosław Sierpiński, MD, PhD, approved the ranking list containing the results of the call for proposals for innovative therapeutic solutions based on RNA technology.

On the basis of the ranking list drawn up as a result of the call procedure and the available allocation, funding within the call was granted to 5 projects, for which the total amount of funding is PLN 291 076 424.49.

Call for proposals for the call for the development of innovative therapeutic solutions using RNA technology lasted from 10 May to 16 August 2021. The call received 8 applications of a total value of almost 552 million PLN. Five applications were sent to substantive evaluation.
